Mornings used to get away from me. You see, I’ve dedicated my mornings to intentional learning time with my children. We read books, do activities together and basically do our homeschooling stuff until lunchtime. And though that's all I want to do with them, our precious time together also includes eating breakfast and hygiene and self-care activities. How can we do … [Read more...]
The Day I Apologized to My Daughter
About a week ago, right before bedtime, my five-year-old girl threw a major tantrum - screams, kicking, crying. The works! I cannot remember now what caused it, but I remember the emotions very well. I was tired, frustrated, and angry. I racked my brains for solutions that I may have read in the many parenting books and sites that I have read. After a few minutes, I found … [Read more...]
How to handle your child’s meltdowns in a positive way
Just the other day, my seven-year-old had one of her rare mini meltdowns over a number of things that just added up for her. She ran to another room, cried her heart out, and while we were in a hug, blurted out: “Please help me to stop crying.” I was brought back to a few years ago, when her meltdowns were frequent and oh, so draining. I would just always hug her, answer … [Read more...]