The Story Stellaluna is an endearing story of a fruit bat who was raised by a Mama Bird after being separated from her mother. Stellaluna struggles to fit in with her new family. However, no matter how she imitates her "siblings" Pip, Flap, and Flitter, she remains unhappy. She is forced to let go of her "bat ways", which certainly does not help. But it was either this or lose … [Read more...]
5 Books Your Infant Should Have
Babies love to hear your voice! They love to snuggle and cuddle up with you. Everything is new and exciting to them and so this is a perfect time to start reading aloud to them and instilling a love for books and reading. Remember, it is never too early to read to your child. We know how overwhelming it is to have a new baby, so we narrowed down your choices to these 5 … [Read more...]
Have you danced with your child today?
The Energizer Bunny had a craving for her Kindermusik songs the other night so I put it on for her. This time, instead of just watching her, I joined in her dancing. It was so much fun! Making memories like this, while acquiring very important life skills, make me fall in love with Kindermusik week after week after week. Creativity Our blocks became rhythm … [Read more...]