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These days, one can be quite the detective and find out almost anything and everything about a person just by typing her name on Google and most especially Facebook. On a daily basis, we are inundated with information and images of people we barely know. Children, without any say in what their parents upload out there about them, are at risk of having their privacy compromised. But online safety must be a top priority for parents.
Most of us, especially during the beginnings of social media, think nothing of posting photos of our children. It’s so fun to “share” with everyone and so thrilling to get those “how cute!” comments and “likes.” Because of this new sharing culture powered by Facebook and other social media platforms, we have become desensitized and nonchalant about the breach on personal boundaries.
Our children will thank us in the future if we take care of their privacy and online safety today. What should we keep sacred and not share with the rest of the world?
To read the rest of my article on Mom Center, including what NOT to share about your kids online, please click here.
How do you protect your kids’ online privacy?
Make magic!